Top 10 Kotlin Projects to Inspire Your Next App

Are you looking for inspiration for your next app? Look no further than these top 10 Kotlin projects! Kotlin is a modern programming language that is gaining popularity among developers due to its concise syntax, interoperability with Java, and powerful features. These projects showcase the versatility and power of Kotlin, and will inspire you to create your own amazing apps.

1. TornadoFX

TornadoFX is a lightweight JavaFX framework for Kotlin that makes it easy to create desktop applications. It provides a simple and intuitive API for building UIs, and supports features such as dependency injection, event handling, and internationalization. TornadoFX is a great choice for developers who want to create desktop apps with a modern and elegant UI.

2. Ktor

Ktor is a web framework for Kotlin that is designed to be lightweight, easy to use, and extensible. It provides a simple and intuitive API for building web applications, and supports features such as routing, templating, and authentication. Ktor is a great choice for developers who want to create web apps with a modern and flexible architecture.

3. Exposed

Exposed is a lightweight ORM framework for Kotlin that makes it easy to work with databases. It provides a simple and intuitive API for querying and manipulating data, and supports features such as transactions, migrations, and schema generation. Exposed is a great choice for developers who want to work with databases in a modern and efficient way.

4. Kotlin/Native

Kotlin/Native is a technology that allows you to compile Kotlin code to native executables for a variety of platforms, including iOS, Android, and desktop. It provides a simple and intuitive API for working with native libraries, and supports features such as memory management, concurrency, and interop with C and Objective-C. Kotlin/Native is a great choice for developers who want to create high-performance apps that run natively on multiple platforms.

5. Koin

Koin is a lightweight dependency injection framework for Kotlin that makes it easy to manage dependencies in your app. It provides a simple and intuitive API for defining and resolving dependencies, and supports features such as scopes, lazy loading, and testing. Koin is a great choice for developers who want to create apps with a modular and flexible architecture.

6. MockK

MockK is a mocking library for Kotlin that makes it easy to create mock objects for testing. It provides a simple and intuitive API for defining and verifying mock behavior, and supports features such as mocking final classes and methods, and mocking coroutines. MockK is a great choice for developers who want to create robust and reliable tests for their apps.

7. Ktor-GraphQL

Ktor-GraphQL is a plugin for Ktor that makes it easy to create GraphQL APIs in Kotlin. It provides a simple and intuitive API for defining GraphQL schemas and resolvers, and supports features such as subscriptions and batching. Ktor-GraphQL is a great choice for developers who want to create modern and flexible APIs that can be consumed by a variety of clients.

8. Kotlin Coroutines

Kotlin Coroutines is a library for Kotlin that makes it easy to write asynchronous code in a sequential and structured way. It provides a simple and intuitive API for defining and executing coroutines, and supports features such as cancellation, exception handling, and flow control. Kotlin Coroutines is a great choice for developers who want to create apps with responsive and efficient user interfaces.

9. Kodein

Kodein is a lightweight dependency injection framework for Kotlin that makes it easy to manage dependencies in your app. It provides a simple and intuitive API for defining and resolving dependencies, and supports features such as scopes, lazy loading, and testing. Kodein is a great choice for developers who want to create apps with a modular and flexible architecture.

10. Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile

Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile is a technology that allows you to share Kotlin code between iOS and Android apps. It provides a simple and intuitive API for working with platform-specific APIs, and supports features such as interop with Swift and Objective-C, and shared testing. Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile is a great choice for developers who want to create cross-platform apps with a single codebase.


These top 10 Kotlin projects showcase the versatility and power of Kotlin, and will inspire you to create your own amazing apps. Whether you want to create desktop apps, web apps, mobile apps, or anything in between, Kotlin has the tools and libraries you need to succeed. So what are you waiting for? Start exploring these projects today, and see what amazing things you can create with Kotlin!

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