Best Kotlin Libraries for Android Development

Are you an Android developer looking for the best Kotlin libraries to use in your projects? Look no further! In this article, we will explore some of the most popular and useful Kotlin libraries for Android development.


Retrofit is a type-safe HTTP client for Android and Java. It makes it easy to consume RESTful web services by translating JSON or XML responses into Kotlin objects. Retrofit also supports asynchronous requests and can be easily customized to fit your specific needs.

One of the best things about Retrofit is its simplicity. You can define your API endpoints using annotations, and Retrofit will generate the necessary code for you. This makes it easy to get started with Retrofit and reduces the amount of boilerplate code you need to write.


Glide is a fast and efficient image loading library for Android. It supports a wide range of image formats and can load images from a variety of sources, including URLs, local files, and content providers.

One of the best things about Glide is its performance. It uses a number of techniques to ensure that images are loaded quickly and efficiently, including memory and disk caching, downsampling, and preloading.

Glide also provides a number of useful features, such as the ability to load images into ImageView widgets, support for animated GIFs, and the ability to customize the loading process.


Room is a powerful and easy-to-use database library for Android. It provides an abstraction layer over SQLite and makes it easy to work with databases in your Android apps.

One of the best things about Room is its simplicity. You can define your database schema using annotations, and Room will generate the necessary code for you. This makes it easy to get started with Room and reduces the amount of boilerplate code you need to write.

Room also provides a number of useful features, such as support for LiveData and RxJava, the ability to perform database operations on a separate thread, and the ability to easily migrate your database schema.


Koin is a lightweight dependency injection framework for Kotlin. It makes it easy to manage dependencies in your Android apps and reduces the amount of boilerplate code you need to write.

One of the best things about Koin is its simplicity. You can define your dependencies using Kotlin code, and Koin will automatically inject them into your classes. This makes it easy to get started with Koin and reduces the amount of configuration you need to do.

Koin also provides a number of useful features, such as support for Android components, the ability to easily switch between different implementations of a dependency, and the ability to easily mock dependencies for testing.


Anko is a Kotlin library that provides a number of useful utilities for Android development. It includes a number of helper functions for common tasks, such as creating dialogs, working with layouts, and handling intents.

One of the best things about Anko is its simplicity. It provides a number of functions that make it easy to perform common tasks, reducing the amount of boilerplate code you need to write.

Anko also provides a number of useful features, such as support for coroutines, the ability to easily create custom views, and the ability to easily work with SQLite databases.


KTX is a set of Kotlin extensions for Android development. It provides a number of useful functions and classes that make it easier to work with Android APIs in Kotlin.

One of the best things about KTX is its simplicity. It provides a number of extensions that make it easy to perform common tasks, reducing the amount of boilerplate code you need to write.

KTX also provides a number of useful features, such as support for coroutines, the ability to easily work with Android architecture components, and the ability to easily work with Android views.


In conclusion, Kotlin is a powerful and versatile language for Android development, and there are many great libraries available to help you build better apps. Whether you're looking for a database library, an image loading library, or a dependency injection framework, there's a Kotlin library out there that can help.

So why not give some of these libraries a try and see how they can improve your Android development workflow? With their simplicity, performance, and ease of use, you're sure to find a library that fits your needs and helps you build better apps faster.

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