Kotlin for Data Science: A Practical Approach

Are you tired of using Python for your data science projects? Do you want to try something new and exciting? Look no further than Kotlin! That's right, Kotlin is not just for Android development anymore. In this article, we will explore how Kotlin can be used for data science and provide a practical approach to get you started.

Why Kotlin for Data Science?

Before we dive into the practical aspects of using Kotlin for data science, let's first discuss why Kotlin is a good choice. Kotlin is a modern programming language that is concise, expressive, and safe. It is designed to be interoperable with Java, which means that it can leverage the vast ecosystem of Java libraries. Kotlin also has a strong type system, which can help catch errors at compile time, making it easier to write bug-free code.

But why use Kotlin for data science specifically? Well, Kotlin has several features that make it a good fit for data science. First, Kotlin has support for functional programming, which is a popular paradigm in data science. Kotlin also has support for coroutines, which can make it easier to write asynchronous code. Finally, Kotlin has a growing ecosystem of libraries for data science, such as KotlinDL and Koma.

Setting Up Your Environment

Before we can start using Kotlin for data science, we need to set up our environment. The first step is to install the Kotlin compiler. You can download the compiler from the official Kotlin website. Once you have installed the compiler, you can test it by running the following command in your terminal:

kotlinc -version

This should print the version of the Kotlin compiler that you have installed. Next, we need to install a build tool. For this article, we will be using Gradle. You can download Gradle from the official Gradle website. Once you have installed Gradle, you can create a new Kotlin project by running the following command in your terminal:

gradle init --type kotlin-application

This will create a new Kotlin project with a basic directory structure. You can now open the project in your favorite IDE and start writing Kotlin code.

Exploring Kotlin Libraries for Data Science

Now that we have our environment set up, let's explore some Kotlin libraries for data science. The first library we will look at is KotlinDL. KotlinDL is a deep learning library for Kotlin that is built on top of TensorFlow. It provides a high-level API for building and training deep learning models. Here is an example of how to use KotlinDL to build a simple neural network:

val model = Sequential.of(
    Input(28, 28, 1),
    Conv2D(32, 3, 3),
    Dense(10, Activation.Softmax)

model.use {
    it.compile(optimizer = Adam(), loss = Losses.SOFT_MAX_CROSS_ENTROPY_WITH_LOGITS)
    it.fit(trainDataset, epochs = 2, batchSize = 100)

In this example, we create a sequential model with an input layer, a convolutional layer, a max pooling layer, a flatten layer, and a dense layer with a softmax activation function. We then compile the model with the Adam optimizer and the softmax cross-entropy loss function. Finally, we fit the model to a training dataset for two epochs with a batch size of 100.

The next library we will look at is Koma. Koma is a numerical computing library for Kotlin that provides support for linear algebra, statistics, and signal processing. Here is an example of how to use Koma to perform a principal component analysis (PCA) on a dataset:

val data = arrayOf(
    doubleArrayOf(2.5, 2.4),
    doubleArrayOf(0.5, 0.7),
    doubleArrayOf(2.2, 2.9),
    doubleArrayOf(1.9, 2.2),
    doubleArrayOf(3.1, 3.0),
    doubleArrayOf(2.3, 2.7),
    doubleArrayOf(2.0, 1.6),
    doubleArrayOf(1.0, 1.1),
    doubleArrayOf(1.5, 1.6),
    doubleArrayOf(1.1, 0.9)

val pca = PCA(data)
val components = pca.getPrincipalComponents(1)


In this example, we create a two-dimensional dataset and perform a PCA on it to extract the first principal component. We then print the resulting principal component.

Using Kotlin for Data Cleaning and Preprocessing

Now that we have explored some Kotlin libraries for data science, let's look at how Kotlin can be used for data cleaning and preprocessing. Data cleaning and preprocessing are important steps in any data science project, as they can help ensure that the data is of high quality and ready for analysis.

One way to clean and preprocess data in Kotlin is to use the Koma library. Koma provides support for common data cleaning and preprocessing tasks, such as normalization and standardization. Here is an example of how to use Koma to normalize a dataset:

val data = arrayOf(
    doubleArrayOf(2.5, 2.4),
    doubleArrayOf(0.5, 0.7),
    doubleArrayOf(2.2, 2.9),
    doubleArrayOf(1.9, 2.2),
    doubleArrayOf(3.1, 3.0),
    doubleArrayOf(2.3, 2.7),
    doubleArrayOf(2.0, 1.6),
    doubleArrayOf(1.0, 1.1),
    doubleArrayOf(1.5, 1.6),
    doubleArrayOf(1.1, 0.9)

val normalizedData = normalize(data)


In this example, we create a two-dimensional dataset and normalize it using the normalize function provided by Koma. We then print the resulting normalized dataset.

Another way to clean and preprocess data in Kotlin is to use the Kotlin standard library. The Kotlin standard library provides support for common data cleaning and preprocessing tasks, such as filtering and mapping. Here is an example of how to use the Kotlin standard library to filter a dataset:

val data = arrayOf(
    "indian gooseberry",

val filteredData = data.filter { it.length > 5 }


In this example, we create a one-dimensional dataset of fruit names and filter it to only include names that are longer than five characters. We then print the resulting filtered dataset.


In this article, we have explored how Kotlin can be used for data science and provided a practical approach to get you started. We have discussed why Kotlin is a good choice for data science, how to set up your environment, and how to use Kotlin libraries for data science. We have also looked at how Kotlin can be used for data cleaning and preprocessing. With its support for functional programming, coroutines, and a growing ecosystem of libraries, Kotlin is a promising language for data science. So why not give it a try?

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